Edit history for Vintage Computing Carinthia $28

2024-05-05 10:49:42 logiker Set releases to Digital Talk LCD Logo, It's Blazon Time, May the fourth, OpenSprite V1.41, LCD 7 Font, LCD Font
2024-05-05 10:45:42 Wil Set releases to Digital Talk LCD Logo, May the fourth, OpenSprite V1.41, It's Blazon Time
2024-05-05 10:43:14 Wil Set releases to May the fourth, OpenSprite V1.41, Digital Talk LCD Logo
2024-05-04 23:38:44 Wil Set releases to May the fourth, OpenSprite V1.41
2024-05-04 23:33:35 Wil Set releases to May the fourth
2024-04-30 20:54:05 Wil Added link https://csdb.dk/event/?id=3409
2024-04-30 20:53:18 Wil Added Wil as organiser of Vintage Computing Carinthia $28
2024-04-30 20:53:10 Wil Added Logiker as organiser of Vintage Computing Carinthia $28
2024-04-30 20:53:01 Wil Added Vintage Computing Carinthia as organiser of Vintage Computing Carinthia $28
2024-04-30 20:52:45 Wil Added party 'Vintage Computing Carinthia $28'